There are no watering restrictions in place at this time.
LVH Irrigation Guidelines
LVH irrigates with the water from our lake. Our lake level is critically low which presents the following issues:
1. Safety issue with slide/diving board/etc
2. Rising water temperature which can lead to the death of our ecosystem
There are serious financial consequences to an ecosystem die-off.
· Residences with house numbers that are EVEN shall water only on EVEN days of the month
· Residences with house numbers that are ODD shall water only on ODD days of the month
· Watering shall be prohibited between the hours of 7am and 7pm
· Residents shall ensure that their systems water ONLY their landscaping (i.e. no overspray in the street)
· Watering shall be limited to a reasonable time per zone. Please use good judgement.
· Residences out of compliance shall receive ONE (1) warning notice, and subsequently be fined for subsequent offenses
FINE SCHEDULE (per existing CC&Rs)
· 1st Offense: $100
· 2nd Offense: $200
· 3rd Offense: $300
· Subsequent Offenses: $300
Each home has 2 valves on their property (or adjacent to their property line). Everything on the community side of the valve, including the valve itself, is the responsibility of the HOA. Everything on the resident’s side of the valve is the responsibility of the homeowner. In the last 3 weeks, the Water Committee has responded to a concerning amount of water issues that are the homeowner’s responsibility. Please remember that we are a small team of volunteers with families.
Your valves can be found on after logging in and navigating to the water section.
In the event of an EMERGENCY (ex. full line rupture on community side) you can call (916) 500-4680 and it will ring all committee members simultaneously. For URGENT issues that are not emergencies, please text (916) 500-4680. All other questions/requests can be sent to